Sponges spooky festival

i was a intern at nick were i made the fred show breadwinners and some spongebob episodes it was cool and erotic as we saw uncut sponge porns before we make them okz for kidz but one day i left this is why
the episode was called spogess spooky festival a hellowaan episode i got my cum face ready when the episode begains it started with spogbob shiting on garry and snorting crack after i cumed i saw this aint normale sponge then said im going to fuck sandy and dace with my people he then took in a car hitting everyone with HYPERZZZZ REALISTIC buuld everwere i then left to shit and throwup because of how real it was sponge arives at work and starts to fuck squidward mr krabs comes and he says GET THE FUCK OUT but sponge no happy as he then shits on mr krabs and it toxic so him face melt.spongebob thens walks off the krusty pussy and gose to festival and there were spooky skeletons everywere paul titbut tried to stop it but then spogbob cames out tv and says WHAT ARE U DOING IN ME SWAMP and blasts toxic shit everywere i then died.